The Italian bookbinding known throughout the world.
For over twenty years Natalizia is a famous reality in the worldwide bookbinding market through its brand Manufactus. All our creations are designed and made in Italy observing the artisan tradition.
For over twenty years Natalizia is a famous reality in the worldwide bookbinding market through its brand Manufactus. All our creations are designed and made in Italy observing the artisan tradition.
Masters of italian binding
Our products are Made in Italy and created by our artisans
Our collection offers many precious items that have made Manufactus one of the most sought after manufacturers in the bookbinding sector.
- Bookbinding
- Classic writing instruments
- Hand-made Leather bags
- Classic writing tools by the series Antica Scrittura
Worldwide famous
Manufactus is the Italian artisan bookbinding brand.
Our products exemplify Italian elegance and craftsmanship that has always been recognized as synonymous with highest quality and excellence.